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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Cruis'n USA

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Game Name : Cruis'n USA
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:28:11
Views : 25704

Cheat :
Extra vehicles:
Hold C-Up + C-Left + C-Down at the car selection screen. The Muscle Car will become an All Terrain Vehicle, the La Bomba will become a School Bus, and the Devastator will become a Police Car.

Golden Gate Park track:
Hold L + C-Left + C-Down at the track selection screen. The U.S. 101 track will become Golden Gate Park.

Indiana track:
Hold L + C-Right + C-Up at the track selection screen. The Beverly Hills track will become Indiana.

San Francisco track:
Hold L + C-Right + C-Down at the track selection screen. The Grand Canyon track will become San Francisco.

Flashing lights and siren:
Use the Bus or Police Car to get a new Hot Time. Enter your initials remain at the "Hot Times" screen. Scroll to the bottom of the display and hold Analog-Left for approximately thirty seconds. Press Start and begin a new race with the Bus or Police Car. Press Brake twice, then hold Gas to flash the lights of the Bus or turn on the Police Car's siren. The lights and siren will be active as long as Gas is held.

Turbo boost:
Use the Bus or Police Car to get a new Hot Time. Enter your initials remain at the "Hot Times" screen. Scroll to the bottom of the display and hold Analog-Left for approximately thirty seconds. Press Start and begin a new race and press Brake, Brake, Brake, Gas, Brake, Gas after each checkpoint. Although your vehicle will not exceed its top speed, it will accelerate faster. Note: This code is enabled only after you Cruise the USA three times to get your vehicle to the fourth level.

Missing wheel:
Finish a two player challenge game and continuously sweep the Analog Stick in a clockwise Full-Circle. The right front wheel of the losing player's vehicle fall off after the car rotates about four times.

Alternate vehicle colors:
Win the "Cruise The USA" mode with the difficulty set to 1, 3 or 5. The car used to win the race will be selectable in a new color. The alternate cars are faster then the original version. Press C-Up to select the alternate colors. Note: This also works with the three hidden vehicles.

Successfully complete the game as the Police Car to change the stripe from blue to green. Highlight the Police Car and press Analog-stick Down to change back to blue. Press Analog-stick Up to change back to green.

Rolling head:
When entering your initials, go to the bottom of the screen and hold Analog-stick Left. Eventually a head will roll by.

Two player upgrade:
Normally in two player mode, only one of the players can get an upgrade for their car. To upgrade both players, race to the Washington D.C., quit, and save the game. Reset the Nintendo 64, and have player one beat the Washington D.C. course. Reset the Nintendo 64 again, and have player two beat the same course. Both players will now have their cars upgraded.

Dirty windshield:
Drive in Iowa or Indiana in cockpit view to get bugs and bird droppings on your windshield.

Hint :
Hint: Extra points in challenge mode:
Keep pressing A or Gas to get a free booster.

Hint: Getting rid of other cars:
If a car gets close behind you, just do a quick brake. The other car will fling, but you will drive on without any obstruction.

Hint: Chicago: Broken down car:
There is a car broken down on the right side of the road on the Chicago track after the first two turns. If you hit the car, it will fall in front of the first place vehicle.

Hint: Grand Canyon: Shortcut:
Stay along the right side of the road after the first check point. Follow the dirt ramp that appears, and cross the natural bridge at a fast speed.

Hint: Grand Canyon: Boulder:
Run into the large rocks on the side of the road at high speed. The boulders will gain speed as they roll down the road before smashing into the first place vehicle.

Hint: Washington D.C.: Warp:
Watch for the orange tinted brick wall on the left side of the road. Approach the wall, get on the grass, and jump through the crack to reach the next check point.

Hint: Iowa: Woman:
Look for the single tree on the left side of the road after the first checkpoint. Face the tree and slowly run over it. A woman standing next to a sign with the word "DAWN" will now be visible.

Glitch: San Francisco: Driving on houses:
Go down the huge hill in the beginning of the level. If you are bumped, your car will flip onto the houses and you will be able to drive on them.

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